Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu, Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Issu du feu

Charcoal with rubber band, 100 x 90 x 90 cm (each-about), Installation view, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Vannes, 2016

Installation view, La Cohue, Musee des Beaux Arts Vannes, 2016

Installation view, La Cohue, Musee des Beaux Arts Vannes, 2016

Photo Album – La Cohue – Vannes, 2016
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This website "" is owned by Lee Bae.

OVH 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix - France

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All contents on the site is the property of Lee Bae. As these contents are protected by copyright. No part of any material on this web site may be reproduced, or stored in a database or retrieval system, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Lee Bae under article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Photo credits
André Morin
Illés Sarkantyu
Kim Hong Sung
Kim Mia
Kwon O-Yeol
Lim Sooji
Patrice Maurin
Seo Ji Min
Nho Chiwook

3D Exhibition Space Capture & 360 VR Video
© Nho Chiwook (

Text credits : © the authors

Translated text credits : © the authors

Graphic design of the catalogues
© Miserezdesign (

Creation & maintenance of website
by Nho Chiwook [Studio MBUS703 (] with the collaboration of Miserezdesign.

Last update: June 23, 2024