Born in 1956, Cheong-do, South Korea
Lives and works between Paris, France and Seoul, South Korea
Born in 1956, Cheong-do, South Korea
Lives and works between Paris, France and Seoul, South Korea
La Maison de la Lune Brûlée (Moonhouse Burning)_Finale, Cheongdo, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea
BETWEEN, Johyun Gallery, Seoul
LEE BAE 흐르는, Johyun Gallery, Dalmaji, Busan
LA MAISON DE LA LUNE BRULEE, 60th Venice Biennale, Wilmotte Foundation, Venice
Issu du Feu, Channel Gardens at Rockefeller Center, New York, New York
Lee Bae, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea
SOUFFLE D’ENCRE, Perrotin Shanghai, China
OBLIQUE, Johyun Gallery, Busan, South Korea
Le Noir en Constellation, Perrotin Paris, France
Lee Bae, Indang Museum, Daegu, Korea
PARADIGM OF CHARCOAL, Perrotin Hong Kong, China
Union, Phi Foundation, Montreal, Canada
The Sublime Charcoal Light, Galerie Perrotin, Tokyo, Japan
Johyun Gallery, Busan, South Korea
Gallery 2, Seoul, South Korea
Gallery doublet Plantation, Jeju-do, South Korea
Promenade, Galerie Perrotin, New York, USA
Venice Wood Water, Wilmotte Foundation, Venice, Italy
Black Mapping, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France
Plus de Lumière, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France
Overstated & Understated, Paradise Art Space, Incheon, Korea
Mir Gallery, Pohang, South Korea
Johyun Gallery, Busan, South Korea
Wooson Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
La Cohue, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Vannes, France
Issu du feu, Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, France
Suspens, Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Bignan, France
Carte Blanche à Lee Bae, Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet, Paris, France
Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, South Korea
Daegu Museum of Art, Daegu, South Korea
Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, France
Galerie RX, Paris, France
Holly Hunt, New York, USA
Phosphorus & Carbon Gallery, Daegu/Ulleung, South Korea
Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Saint-Étienne, France
Nicholas Robinson Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie IBU, Paris, France
Galerie RX, Paris, France
Winter Gallery, Wiesbaden, Germany
Gallery 604, Busan, South Korea
Andrew Shire Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
White Box Gallery, New York, USA
Seok Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Galerie RX, Paris, France
Artist of the year, Centre culturel coréen, Paris, France
Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Galerie RX, Paris, France
Galerie IBU, Paris, France
Galerie Ci-Gong, Daegu, South Korea
Galerie M, Daegu, South Korea
Galerie Kawafune, Tokyo, Japan
FIAC (Gallery Ci-Gong), Paris, France
Johyun Gallery, Busan, South Korea
Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Artist of the year, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon/Seoul, South Korea
Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Gana Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Gong-Gan Gallery, Busan, South Korea
Gong-Gan Gallery, Busan, South Korea
Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
SIAF Korea Intenational Art Fair (Gana Gallery), Seoul, South Korea
Galerie Gana-Beaubourg, Paris, France
Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Galerie Willy d’Huysser, Bruxelles, Belgium
Gallery Seo Mi, Seoul, South Korea
Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Galerie Bellefroid, Paris, France
Espace Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Espace Bateau-Lavoir, Paris, France
Soo Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Kyung-In Museum, Seoul, South Korea
Soo Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Kwan-Hoon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
DUI-JIPKI, Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin
Origin, Emergence, Return, Rockefeller Center, New York, New York
Black and White – an achromatic group show (of paintings), København K, Denmark
1.5 DEGREES, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
Shared Visions, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Eugene, Oregon
A tie to all the Earth, Teagan Art Space, Beijing, China
Contourless, Noblesse Collection, Seoul, Korea
Catastrophe and Recovery, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
Resonance, Horim Museum, Seoul, Korea
Venice Wood Water, Wilmotte Foundation, Venice, Italy
Overstated & Understated, Inaugural exhibition curated by Kuho Jung, Paradise Art Space, Incheon, South Korea
Hong Kong Art Basel, Johyun Gallery, Hong Kong, China
FIAC, Galerie Perrotin, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Hong Kong Art Basel, Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong, China
Art Central Hong Kong, Johyun Gallery, Hong Kong, China
KIAF, Johyun Gallery, P&C Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
ART 16, London’s Global Art Fair, London Olympia, Galerie RX, London, UK
Changwon Sculpture Biennale, Changwon, South Korea
Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, South Korea
Art Paris Art Fair 2016, Galerie RX, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Winter, Galerie RX, Paris, France
Nouvel acquisition, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Séoul – Paris – Séoul, Musée Cernuschi, Paris, France
Biennale d’Issy, Issy les Moulineaux, France
Overcoming the Modern, Dansaekhwa, The Korean Monochrome Movement, Alexander Gray Gallery, New York, USA
Busan Biennale, Busan Metropolitan Museum, Busan, South Korea
Hong Kong Art Basel, Hakgojae Gallery, Hong Kong, China
International drawing exhibition, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rijeka, Croatia
Plaisir, Galerie RX, Paris, France
Dansaekhwa: Korean Monochrome Painting, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon/Seoul, South Korea
Nature in Contemporary Art, Museum of Art of Yang Pyong, Yang Pyong, South Korea
Artist of the Year 1995-2010, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Gwacheon/Seoul, South Korea
MoA Picks, Museum of Seoul National University,
Seoul, South Korea
International architectural ceramic exhibition, Clayarch Museum of Gimhae, Gimhae, South Korea
New year, Galerie RX, Paris, France
Vide et Plénitude, Espace Commines, Paris, France
Paris – Seoul, Hangaram Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Daegu International Textile Art Documenta, Daegu Art and Culture Center, Daegu, South Korea
A Look At Korean Contemporary Art, Galerie Jean Fournier, France
IBU Galerie, Paris, France
Christianity in Contemporary Art, Lumen Galerie, Paris, France
La frontière, Musée du Montparnasse, Paris, France
Berlin-Seoul, Galerie Communale, Berlin, Germany
Nature in Contemporary Art, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
Prospect of Painting, Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Independent, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
Contemporary Art 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy, KOEX Seoul, South Korea
Aspect of Korean Contemporary Art 90, Museum
of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
Aspect of Korean Contemporary Art 90, International Museum of Contemporary Art, Osaka, Japan
Black and White, Gallery Seo Mi, Seoul, South Korea
One Place, Seven Spaces, Manufacture des Oeillets, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
L’autre Grand Format, Espace Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Le Complot, with Faust Cardinali and Jean de Piépape, Artsenal-Paris, Paris, France
New and Powerful Art from Artsenal, Art Beam Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
94 Daegu Workshop, Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Deux Jours comme deux Nuit, Ateliers Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Inauguration of l’Espace Artsenal-Paris, Paris, France
Three Korean Artists, Galerie Bellefroid, Paris, France
Biennale de Peintures Sud 92, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Artistes d’Arsenal, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
Nouvelle Plaque, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
Paris là-bas, Musée Kwak-on, Paris, France
Portraits d’artistes, Arsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Europe Factory, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Pantin, France
Jeunes artistes, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
A Look at Korean Contemporary Painting,
Centre d’Art Albert Chanot, Paris, France
Origines, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
C-519, Kwan Hoon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Up Down, Baek-Song Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Young Artists, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
Representation 87, Baek-Song Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Artistes d’Arsenal, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
Nouvelle Plaque, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
Paris là-bas, Musée Kwak-on, Paris, France
Portraits d’artistes, Arsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Europe Factory, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Pantin, France
Jeunes artistes, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
A Look at Korean Contemporary Painting,
Centre d’Art Albert Chanot, Paris, France
Origines, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
C-519, Kwan Hoon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Up Down, Baek-Song Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Young Artists, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
Representation 87, Baek-Song Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Heterodox, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
Nouvel Esprit, Gallery Trois, Seoul, South Korea
Relation between modern painting and primitivism,
Baek-Song Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Heterodox, Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, France
Nouvel Esprit, Gallery Trois, Seoul, South Korea
Relation between modern painting and primitivism,
Baek-Song Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Artbank of South Korea, Gwacheon/Seoul, South Korea
Baruj Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Busan Museum of Art, Busan, South Korea
Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Gimhae, South Korea
CNAP(Centre National des Arts Plastiques), Paris, France
Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, South Korea
Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, South Korea
FNAC(Fonds National d’art Contemporain), Paris, France
Fondation Carmignac, Paris, France
Fondation Colas, Paris, France
Gyeongnam Art Museum, Gyeongnam, South Korea
Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, South Korea
Leeum-Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Ministry of Culture and Communication, Paris, France
Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Saint-Étienne, France
Musée des Beaux-Arts – La Cohue, Vannes, France
Musée National des Arts Asiatiques – Guimet, Paris, France
Museum of Art of Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon/Seoul, South Korea
Privada Allegro Foundation, Madrid, Spain
Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, France
National Association Price of Art Critics, South Korea
Artist of the Year, Korean Cultural Center, Paris
Artist of the Year, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon/Seoul, South Korea
Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Bae”, Johyun Gallery, Busan, South Korea View catalogue
Olivier Kaeppelin, “Lee Bae”, Musée des Beaux-Arts – La Cohue, Vannes, France
Eric Lefebvre, “Carte Blanche à Lee Bae”, Musée National des Arts Asiatiques – Guimet, Paris, France View catalogue
Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Bae”, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, South Korea View catalogue
Eunlog Sim and Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Bae, The Streams Rise In The Firmament”, Daegu Museum of Art, Daegu, South Korea View catalogue
Jean-Michel Wilmotte, “Lee Bae”, Fondation Fernet-Branca, France View catalogue
Sam Bardauil & Till Fellrath, “Lee Bae”, Nicholas Robinson Gallery,
New York, USA View catalogue
Lóránd Hegyi, “Lee Bae”, Skira, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain
de Saint-Étienne, France view catalogue
Raul Zamudio, “Lee Bae”, Today Art Museum,
Beijing, China
Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Bae”, White Box, Limited Edition, New York, USA View catalogue
Oh Kwang Soo, “Lee Bae”, Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Kim Soo Hyun, “Vers l’intérieur, Lee Bae”, Centre Culturel Coréen,
Paris, France
Philippe Piguet, “Lee Bae”, Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Bae, Rencontre”, Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Jeong Jun Mo, “Artist of the Year 2000 – Lee Bae”, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Bae”, exposition collective, “Daegu Workshop, 10 artists from the Artsenal Paris”, Ci-Gong Gallery, Daegu, South Korea
Henri-François Debailleux, “Lee Bae”, Galerie Bellefroid, Paris, France View catalogue
Amy Serafin, “Dark Art”, Wallpaper*, December, 2019, New York
“A Conversation with Lee Bae”, Sculpture Magazine, November, 2019 VIEW ARTICLE
권은경, “가장 순수한 힘, 숯”, W Korea, July 29, 2019, Seoul VIEW ARTICLE
Salomé Burstein & Milena Charbit, “Lee Bae”, Whitelies Magazine, April, 2019, Paris
Style Chosen, July 2018, Seoul
Laurence d’Ist, “Letter from Paris”, Sacak, March 2018, Seoul
Itzhak Goldberg, “Ardents Charbons Coréens”, Le Journal des Arts, n° 501, May 11, 2018, Paris
Maïa Roffé, “L’obscure clarté de Lee Bae”, La Gazette Drouot, n° 1806, February 9, 2018, Paris
Pierre Barbancey, “Le noir brûlé de Lee Bae qui nous soulage”, l’Humanité, May 29, 2018, Paris
“Lee Bae, Noirs de Lune”, Connaissance des Arts, May 1, 2018, Paris
마크 테토, “현대미술가 이배”, Living Sense, November, Seoul VIEW ARTICLE
이영균, “포스트 단색화의 두 얼굴”, Noblesse, March, Seoul
안동선, “검은 고독 흰 고독”, Bazaar, January, Seoul
Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, “흑과 백의 순환, 개념과 형식 사이”, Art in Culture, January, Seoul
“이배의 숯”, Art Now, Winter, Seoul
박정민, “새까만 덩어리에 수천 년 문명이 있다”, 국제신문, November 26, 2016
박진흥, “숯의 화가 이배와 6년 만의 재회”, 부산일보, November 16, 2016
권혜진, “숯의 화가 이배, 부산 조현화랑서 개인전”, 연합뉴스, November 14, 2016
“Lee Bae”, 미술세계, November, Seoul
“Lee Bae”, Noblesse, October, Seoul
Myriam Boutoulle, “Lee Bae, la part du feu”, Connaissance des arts, Hors-Série, n° 721, Arts&Nature 2016
Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, “The Conceptual Formalist”, Art in culture, June
Anne-Sophie Perraudin, “Lee Bae: une calligraphie grandeur nature”, La Nouvelle République, May
Myriam Boutoulle, “Lee Bae, un art incandescent”, Connaissance des Arts, May VIEW ARTICLE
Léa Bouquerot, “Chaumont unit art et nature”, La Nouvelle République, April
“Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire”, Connaissance des Art, Hors-série, n° 679
Isabelle Johancik, “Lee Bae, un pur artiste coréen à Kerguéhennec”, Ouest-France, March
Caroline d’Esneval, “Lee Bae, the Korean Master of black charcoal”, The Gaze of a Parisienne
Julie Crenn, “Lee Bae”, Artpress
Itzhak Goldberg, “Couleurs extrêmes”, Le Journal des Arts, n° 449
Seo Dong Hui, “Lee Bae Carte Blanche”, Monthly Art, December
Eun Hee Kim, “Lee Bae”, Magazine Q, January
B. Der., “Le monde en blanc et noir de Lee Bae”, Le Figaro Scope, 13th October
“Lee Bae: « En France, la différence est acceptée »”, Le Parisien
Virginie Duchesne and Isabelle Manca, “La Corée en trois expositions”, L’œil, 15th October
Isabelle Manca, “La Corée du sud en France”, L’œil, 15th September
Olivia Sand, “Lee Bae”, Interview, Asian Art, November
Henri-François Debailleux, “Exposition Lee Bae, Fondation Fernet- Branca”, Journal des Arts, n° 414
Thierry Hay, “Lee Bae: un concentré d’énergie et de spiritualité”, France TV Info
Philippe Piguet, “Lee Bae, Lee Ufan”, L’œil, n° 669
Florence Guionneau Joie, “Lee Bae, Foundation Fernet Branca”, Interview, Station Ausone, Bordeaux
“Lee Bae, Exposition Foundation Fernet Branca”, Revue Centre culture Coréenne, Paris
“Special reportage, Artist Lee Bae”, Maeil Shinmoon, South Korea
“Artiste invité d’honneur 2013”, Public ART, December
Vivre Côté Paris, May
“Exposition Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne”, Beaux-Arts Magazine, October
Henri-François Debailleux, “Suspendre l’instant dans l’espace”, Art absolument, January/February
“Pages d’écriture”, Le Figaro Magazine, March
Air France Magazine, October
Art Exit, August
Anne de Coninck, “Lee Bae et le fusain”, Azart, n° 33, July/August
Connaissance des Arts, n° 662
“Lee Bae mise sur nocturne”, by Henri-François Debailleux, Le Figaro, 11th June
“Art Paris, Métamorphoses”, Le Figaro Magazine, n°19860, June
Exporama, June
“Lee Bae, œuvres récentes”, Almanart, July
Art in Culture, September
Henri-François Debailleux, “Exposition Lee Bae, Galerie RX”, Libération, 5th April
“Artist Lee Bae”, Korea Art, December
Yoo Gun Ho, “Artist of the Year, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea”, Monthly Art, October
Henri-François Debailleux, “Exposition Lee Bae, Galerie Gana Beaubourg, Paris”, Gana Art Magazine, Paris
Lee Bae, Interview with Artist Lee Bae, Indang Museum, October, 2021 view video
숫의 화가 이배, Interview with Mark Tetto, W Korea, August, 2019 view video
Lee Bae et sa prédilection pour le charbon, ARTE, April 15, 2018
Culture Four Color, Art Docu Who Are You, Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, n° 519, December 21, 2016 view video
Carte blanche à Lee Bae au Musée Guimet, TV5MONDE, December 1, 2015 view video : see from 1′ 36″
Lee Bae, Foundation Fernet Branca, Interview by Florence Guionneau Joie, Station Ausone, Bordeaux, April 30, 2014 view video
Exposition Lee Bae à la Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint Louis TV, April 2014 view video
Saint-Louis : les oeuvres de Lee Bae exposées à la Fondation Fernet Branca, France 3 Grand Est, April 30, 2014 france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr