Lee Bae


May 10 – July 21, 2024

Johyun Gallery DALMAJI
171 Dalmaji 65-gil Jung-Dong Haeundae-Gu, Busan, Korea. 48117
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5월 10일부터 조현화랑 달맞이에서 이배의 개인전 『흐르는』이 열린다. 전시장의 회화, 조각, 영상은 형식이 모두 다르지만, 작가의 신체성을 기록한다는 점에서 본질적으로 동일하다. 작가는 조각을 회화처럼, 회화를 입체처럼 다루는 시도를 통해 형식을 해체하고 ‘신체성과 순환’이라는 본질로 다가가고자 한다. 특히 <버닝(Burning)>은 처음 시도한 영상 작업으로, 그가 매체 확장을 위하여 꾸준한 고민과 실천을 하고 있음을 확인시켜준다.

May 10th, Johyun Gallery Dalmaji is pleased to present Lee Bae’s latest solo exhibition Flowing. The exhibited paintings, sculptures, and video utilize a different language format, but they share the essence of the artist’s recorded corporeality. Lee Bae pursues the essence of corporeality and cyclicality through exploration of sculpture as paintings and approaching of paintings as objects in space. Presented this exhibition is Burning(Lee’s first video work) a rising smoke signal of the artist’s attitude, practices, and ongoing explorations into other media.

Photo ⓒ Courtegy of Artist and Johyun Gallery
3D Space Captured & 360 VR VIDEO by Chiwook Nho

3D Exhibition Space Capture